Collection: Gut & Stress Soother

gut and stress repair

The Gut & Stress Soother Collection was created to help you digest, de-stress and soothe as you embark upon your new year. This collection includes a combination of 10 incredibly powerful plant-based supplements including a multi-species probiotic, herbal digestives, gut nourishers, and stress soothers to use throughout the season and beyond.

In the spirit of hope, we are launching our Winter Guide, The Gut & Stress Soother, as a re-imagined, adorable little zine for sale in the shop and online for $9. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have digestive comfort? To not feel overwhelmed, anxious, fatigued and stressed all the time? To care for ourselves deeply, and in a sustained way? To not view the foods that tear up our guts and leave us miserable and feeling out of control as "comfort foods"? To feel clear, energetic, and focused? Let's find out. If you are looking for a way to get a handle on your stress and digestion, we are here to help!  
Let’s learn and get stronger together.  Welcome to your new year!

→ Order the Winter Gut & Stress Soother - our Winter seasonal guide/booklet.

​→ Download the shopping list to help decide what products to order.